Deliverance From Demonic Covenants And Curses is a ground-breaking book. Multitudes all over the world
have grappled with problems emanating from demonic covenants and curses. Hamstrung by demonic bondage, victims of covenants and curses wonder why they are mysteriously programmed to live as prisoners of the kingdom of darkness. With unusual prophetic insight, uncommon application of scriptures and a compelling
presentation of true life experiences, the author guides the reader and shows the way out of bondage into glorious liberty and victory.
The central theme of this book is deliverance from the evil powers of darkness, total freedom from hidden and/or generational curses as well as general addictions. This book reveals the hidden foundational problems affecting people worldwide.
The Prayers Points are explosive! The exhaustive nature of the book is quite illuminating and the style of writing makes for easy reading. This book is a must read for those who want to be free from satanic bondage and the kingdom of darkness, as well as for those who want to teach others how to be free

Cancelling Satanic Resolutions And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.--Matthew 11:12The devil is constantly at war with believers, and so every believer has the responsibility of finding out the diverse methods of his attacks so that we can defeat the enemy every step of the way.Many Christians are ignorant of satanic devices, like Simon Peter was until Jesus told him that Satan had a completely different resolution for him. Just as we prepare our resolutions at the beginning of every year, Satan also writes negative resolutions against every believer.In this book, we will see a few characters of the Bible who, knowingly or unknowingly to them, were manipulated by the devil to achieve satanic resolutions and how they overcame with God's divine intervention. Satanic manipulations and resolutions are exposed, and the right steps to defeat them are explained in this book.In summary, this book tackles another aspect of spiritual warfare and how to win the victory. Every Christian irrespective of church denomination is advised to get a copy of this book. --Rev. James Solomon

Deliverance of the Firstborn and First Sons In the Bible, we find out that Adam was the firstborn of God, in a manner of speaking. However, Adam was driven out of God's presence, care, provision, and protection, and unfortunately, so are most firstborns, especially first sons. Cain, Adam's firstborn, was also driven out and became a wanderer. Canaan, the firstborn of Ham, Noah's son, was cursed, and so was Reuben, the firstborn of Jacob. And the list goes on and on. Moving on to our present day and age, we see a pattern of total disappointment among the firstborns or first sons in the family. They tend to be worthless, unstable, wayward, incapable of holding down a job or trade, and end up being failures in life. They can't concentrate on anything that will lead to a bright future and are often wandering or roaming from place to place. The first son is usually the physical and spiritual inheritor of his father's legacy whether good or bad, blessings or curses, riches or poverty, etc. As a result, the firstborns and especially the first sons require special favor from God to prosper in life. God in His infinite mercies provided a way of escape for all firstborns and first sons, and that is redemption in Jesus Christ! Deliverance of the Firstborn and First Sons is an in-depth study of firstborns and first sons. It extensively explores the general and scriptural overview as well as the hope of redemption for the firstborn and first sons. There are also prayer points to be used as a guide in the prayers of deliverance. This book is a must for all firstborns and first sons as well as believers, as it offers vital information on this topic that we need to know.
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